Sunday, April 28, 2013

Conversion Tables 4 numbers

Posting to this time, I will explain about 4 conversion table numbers, ie binary, octave, Hex, and Decimal
Hopefully with this table you will better understand how to Conversion
1. Binary To Desimal

Binay Table
2. Binary To Word

Binary To Word
3. Hex To Binary
Hex Table

4. Oktaf To Binary
Oktaf To Binary

Cara Mengedit dan mengetahui script file swf

Mungkin anda pernah berpikir kenapa file swf tidak bisa di edit di Macromedia Flash ?
terus bagaimana cara mengetahui cara membuat animasi flash ini atau mengedit file animasi dengan ekstensi file .swf,
Oce Kali ini saya akan menjawab pertanyaan kalian, sekarang saya akan memerikan rahasianya,
maaf kalo agak sedikit lupa karena udah setahun yang lalu,
hehehehe..... bohong deh..... kalo saya lupa ga bakal posting ilmu ini

Ikuti langkah -langkah dibawah ini :
  1. Pertama donlot dulu software Sothink SWF Quicker.
  2. Pilih file swf, klik kanan open with - Sothink SWF Quicker.

  3. Pilih OK

  4. Muncul lah semua script dan framenya, editlah sesuka kalian,


Sunday, April 14, 2013

How to speed up loading and Compress Blog

Wow this blog is very slow, advised long already treated so slow ga dah, maz good this time will provide tutorials to accelerate blog, after replacing the engine so fast dah,
"Look out there willing racing valentino rossi" brem, brem, brem ...........................
jabluk, whoa so nusruk dah., hehehehe, ... justkiting sob, justkiding mean, do not be too serious because serious already disbanded,
Fine Cekidot we just to the tutorial, refer to the well - well yes, hehehehehe:

There are 5 common issue makes blogs so slow, like, In CSS code, Javascript, HTML, and image ads that are too large and many terlalau, edited and compressed before it's good at backing up first Tempalte that now.
  1. CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 
    CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) is A code on a web page that functions to regulate and set its web interface, such as font type, color, font size, etc.. CSS code is usually too repetitive - not remanufactured or good cause loading into a long,
    Well now let's compress to maximize code,
    CSS code in between

    Press Ctrl + F,
    then type prefix and blocked until the end of the code limits.

    copy and Paste your code in CSS Compressor
    • On Compression mode = select 'Super Compact'
    • Comments on handling = select 'Strip ALL comments'
    • After that copy the code to your blog and click Compress it
    • then copy and paste it back in its original position on the right of your blog template.
    • Preview and Save.
  2. Javascript
        Javascript is taken from the two syllables, and java script, java is object oriented programming language scripts is a set of program instructions, In the function, JavaScript is used to provide access to objects embedded scripts (embedded). Usually flanked on the javascript code
          Copy and paste the code in Javascript Compressor

  3. HTML
              As well as step Compressing HTML CSS.
    Use backdash and spaces in the html blog will make loading time. So it is suggested that the use backdash and spaced appropriately. Tool used is  HTML Compressor.
        Copy and Paste the code :
  4. Picture or Image
            Should be pictures on the blog with a very small size or upload images at a fast webserver or local areas.
  5. Ad
             Ads that too much cause to be a long blog, compress javascript ads and select ads that are expensive just as good or better job advertisement given to alone.

    heheheheh ....

How to Fix a Linux file system error on backtrack Error: UNEXPECTED inconsistency; RUN fsck MANUALLY

This time my post would give dil inux how to resolve the message " Error: UNEXPECTED inconsistency; RUN fsck MANUALLY "on Linux during startup. This occurs because the file system on the hard drive or korupt error, the cause because there are already ente hard or too bad because the computer mematikkan correct procedure.

Simply follow the steps - these steps below:
  • Press the M button
  • Then enter the root password
  • Input code below

    root@root:~# fsck -f (Lokasi partisi file system yang error)
    Contoh :
    root@root:~# fsck -f /dev/sda5 
    /dev/sda5 contains a file system with errors, check forced. 
    Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes 
    Pass 2: Checking directory structure 
    Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity 
    Pass 4: Checking reference counts 
    Pass 5: Checking group summary information Free blocks count wrong 
    /dev/sda5: ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *****
    /dev/sda5: ***** REBOOT *****
    root@root:~# reboot
  • If not successful, and the following message appears,

    root@root:~# fsck -f /dev/sda5 
    fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2 
    e2fsck 1.41.11 (14-Januari-2013) 
    fsck.ext2: No such file or directory while trying to open
    The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct 
    ext2 filesystem.  If the device is valid and it really contains an ext2 
    filesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the 
    superblock is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck 
    with an alternate superblock:     
    e2fsck -b 8193 
  • Then type the following command:

    root@root:~# e2fsck -b 8193 /dev/sda5
    e2fsck 1.41.11 (14-Januari-2012) 
    One or more block group descriptor checksums are invalid.  
    Fix? yes
    Group descriptor 0 checksum is invalid.  FIXED. 
    Group descriptor 1 checksum is invalid.  FIXED. 
    Group descriptor 2 checksum is invalid.  FIXED. 
    Group descriptor 3 checksum is invalid.  FIXED. 
    Group descriptor 4 checksum is invalid.  FIXED. 
    Group descriptor 5 checksum is invalid.  FIXED. 
    Group descriptor 6 checksum is invalid.  FIXED. 
    Group descriptor 7 checksum is invalid.  FIXED.
    /dev/sda5 contains a file system with errors, check forced. 
    Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes 
    Pass 2: Checking directory structure 
    Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity 
    Pass 4: Checking reference counts 
    Pass 5: Checking group summary information Free blocks count wrong 
    /dev/sda5: ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *****
    /dev/sda5: ***** REBOOT *****
    root@root:~# reboot
Trick of me so good luck if it has not succeeded in the only way possible just reinstall your hard drive and bad,

Cara Mempercepat Komputer

Maaf kawan - kawan semua, udah lama saya ga update blog karena saking sibuknya saya dengan 2B ( belajar dan kerja), waduh sampe ini blog dah ada sarang laba - labanya, hehehehe..........
Kali ini mas bagus akan memberikan tutor yang memang cukup udah orang banyak tau, yaitu Cara Mempercepat Komputer tapi karena ada request dari my freind saya akan menulisnya,.
Cekidot Langsung saja simak baik - baik langkah - langkah dibawah ini yang biasa digunakan oleh para tukang service, heheheheheh.

1. Melalui REGEDIT ( Registry Editor) 
    Registry Editor adalah suatu pusat database untuk pengaturan konfigurasi aplikasi dan informasi lainnya yang diperlukan oleh aplikasi yang hanya ada di OS Windows.
  Jika sobat mau mengedit regedit sebaiknya di back up dulu,
  1. buka regedit, Start >  RUN (Tombol Start + R) >> ketikkan "regedit".
  2. Pilih menu File>> Export>> Save  dengan nama back-up.reg . kalo ingin merestore settingannya seperti semula tinggal diklik file yang tadi atau pilih menu File>> Import>> Pilih file back-up.reg tadi.
  3. Nah sekarang kita mulai edit - editnya,
    Klik HKEY_CURRENT_USER >> Control Panel>> Desktop, lalu tekan tombol Tab pilih dan edit angka pada menu di bawah ini.
    • MenuShowDelay Untuk Mempercepat delay buka tutup program.
      klik kanan>> Modify>> ganti 400 menjadi 200 atau 100>> OK.
    •  WaitToKillAppTimeout & HungAppTimeout Untuk Menutup aplikasi ketika hang dan mempercepat shutdown
      klik kanan>> Modify>> ganti angka di WaitToKillAppTimeout menjadi 5000 & HungAppTimeout menjadi 1000 >> OK.
    • AutoEndTasks  Untuk Menutup aplikasi ketika shutdown
      klik kanan>> Modify>> ganti menjadi 1>> OK.
    • Dan ulangi langkah tersebut pada key HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\Control Panel\Desktop dan HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Control Panel\Desktop.

2. Setting Start Up pada MSCONFIG ( Microsoft Configuration )
  • Tweaking Swapfile ( RAM harus lebih besar dari 256MB )• Start>> Run  >> msconfig >> OK
    • Klik tab System.ini
    • Klik tanda plus pada tab 386enh
    • Klik kotak new kemudian ketik ConservativeSwapfileUsage=1
    • Klik OK
  • Disable semua aplikasi yang berjalan di start up kecuali program antivirus dan aplikasi penting
    Start>> Run >> msconfig >> OK
    • Klik tab Startup
    • Klik Disable All
    • Klik nama program antivirus yang dipakai
    • Klik OK
3. Gunakan aplikasi  untuk merapihkan system seperti CCleaner , Tune - up utillities , dll

4. Menginstal software driver RamDisk ( khusus buat windows 2000, xp1, xp2, xp3 )
   Ramdisk adalah contoh yang menunjukkan software hanya Windows(r) 2000 pengandar perangkat. Driver ini menciptakan sebuah RAM disk drive dari ukuran tertentu. Anda dapat menggunakan ini Ramdisk seperti disk lain, tetapi isi dari disk hilang ketika Anda mematikan komputer. (Umumnya, pengelola cache Windows(r) 2000 melakukan pekerjaan yang lebih baik mengoptimalkan penggunaan memori daripada Ramdisk.)
Lalu ikuti langkah -langkah dibawah ini:
  1. Buka RAMDISK yang di donlot tadi dan pilih Unzip.
  2. Start>> Control Panel>> double-click menu Add/Remove Hardware..
  3. Klik Yes, I already connected the hardware

  4. Klik Add a new device.
  5. Pilih No, I want to select the hardware from a list.
  6. Pilih Other devices>> Next.
  7. Pilih tombol Have Disk>> Lalu pilih lokasi directory file Ramdisk.inf tadi, defaultnya C:\RAMDISK\Ramdisk.sys
  8. Reboot atau Restart Kompi.
  9. masuk ke System properties >> Hardware >> device manager >> RAM disk, klik kanan pada Ramdisk [Qsoft] lalu pilih properties 
  10. klik tab Ram Disk Properties
  11. Drive letter  biarkan default B
  12. pada disksize skrol sampe bawah dan pilih yg paling bawah (ukuran paling gede)>> Close
 GOOD LUCK ........!