Thursday, May 2, 2013

Basic commands in SQL (Structured Query Language)

Basic commands in SQL (Structured Query Language)

  1. Creating the database
    To create a
    new database, so it does not apply if the database already exists or you do not have the privilege.

    The syntax is

    DATABASE nama_db

  2. Delete database
    delete the database and all tables in it. This command does not apply if the database does not exist or you do not have the privilege.

    The syntax is

    DATABASE nama_db
  3. Using the database
    make the default database and references from the table that you will use. This command does not apply if the database does not exist or you do not have the privilege.
    The syntax is

  4. Displays database
    To display
    the list in the current system.
    The syntax is
  5. Making table
    To create a table you have to specify at least name and type of columns you want.
    The simplest syntax (without any other definition) is:
    CREATE TABLE nama_tbl
    (Kolom1 tipekolom1 (), kolom2 tipekolom2 (), ...)

Ditulis Oleh : Bagus Keren // 11:47 PM

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